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Pachycondyla cf tridentata

Ajouté au: 11/10/16
No. article: pacf0003

Coming soon !

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Coloni - Pas disponible en ce moment
avec 45-60 ouvrieres avec Gamergate

Paratrechina longicornis

Ajouté au: 01/29/20
No. article: palo0001
  • Heimat: Südostasien
  • Farbe: Arbeiterinnen: schwarz
  • Eigenschaften: schnelles Meldverhalten, gut zu beobachen
  • Nestbau: alle möglichen Hohlräume, oft umziehend
  • Nahrung: Insekten Honig- und ZUckerwasser
  • Winterruhe: Nein
  • Temperatur: 24 - 28 °C 
  • Luftfeuchtigkeit: keine besonderen Ansprüche
  • Bodenbeschaffenheit: lehmiger Sand oder Lehmerde (z.B. Waldboden)
  • Bepflanzung: Nicht notwendig
  • Formicarienzubehör: Wärmequelle
  • Haltungsklasse: einfach
  • Besonderheit: Eine sehr gut zu haltende Schuppenameise Auf einen guten Ausbruchsschutz ist zu achten. Eine sehr schnelle Ameise, sehr gut zu beobachten. Die Kolonie kann mehrere Tausend Arbeiteinnen erreichen.
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Colony - Pas disponible en ce moment
Colony with two Queens and 100 workers

Pheidole cf. megacephala

Ajouté au: 01/29/20
No. article: phcf0002
  • Heimat: Südostasien
  • Farbe: Arbeiterinnen: braun, Soldaten: schwarzbraun, teilweise braun
  • Eigenschaften: Soldaten
  • Nestbau: Erdnester
  • Nahrung: Insekten Honig- und ZUckerwasser
  • Winterruhe: Nein
  • Temperatur: 24 - 28 °C 
  • Luftfeuchtigkeit: keine besonderen Ansprüche
  • Bodenbeschaffenheit: lehmiger Sand oder Lehmerde (z.B. Waldboden)
  • Bepflanzung: Nicht notwendig
  • Formicarienzubehör: Wärmequelle
  • Haltungsklasse: einfach
  • Besonderheit: Eine sehr gut zu haltende Pheidole. Auf einen guten Ausbruchsschutz ist zu achten. Die Kolonie kann mehrere Tausend Arbeiteinnen erreichen.
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error Pheidole cf. megacephala ne peut être ajouté à votre panier.
Colony - Pas disponible en ce moment
Colonyavec 4-5 Reina et 200-300 ouvriers

Pheidole cf. noda

Ajouté au: 06/21/09
No. article: phcf0001

This is a very common Pheidole species common in Japan and Southern China.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Myrmicinae, Tribe Pheidolini
  • Distribution: South-East Asia
  • Hibernation: no
  • Nest building: in soil
  • Climate: subtropical
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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 700 - 1000 ouvrièresDisponible une seule fois!

Pheidole sp. "longues pattes"

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: phsp0001

This is a very long-legged Pheidolini, presumable of genus Pheidole. It was found in rotten wood only in deepest intact rain forest.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Myrmicinae, Tribe Pheidolini
  • Distribution: South-East Asia
  • Size: Workers: 6 - 7 mm, Soldiers: 8 - 9 mm, Queen: 10 - 11 mm
  • Nest building: in rotten wood
  • Climate: tropical, moist
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Pheidologeton cf. affinis

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: phsp0004

New Pheidologeton species from South Asia with browner colored workers.

  • Taxonomy: Submailiy Myrmicinae, Tribe Pheidologetonini
  • Origin: South Asia
  • Color: Workers: brown, Soldiers: black brown
  • Characteristics: strong polymorph, monogyn and also polygyn
  • Nutrition: insects and seeds
  • Hibernation: No
  • Temperature: 25 - 30 °C
  • Humidity: 50% - 60% at 28° C (moist ground)
  • Soil conditions: loamy sand, loam
  • Planting: not necessary
  • Accessories: heat source
  • Level: for advancer
  • Specifics: very interesting ants because their predatory attacks like this of driver ants. They also apply fixed "highways" when the colony is great enough. The workers ride on their queens (for protection) and sometimes also on the soldiers. The difference of size between the workers and soldiers is the biggest of all ant species. In contrary to Pheidologeton diversus this species is more active in movement and nest building, and has also slightly smaller workers.
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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec plus ou moins 100 ouvrières

Pheidologeton diversus

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: phdi0001
  • Taxonomy: Submailiy Myrmicinae, Tribe Pheidologetonini
  • Origin: Indonesia
  • Color: Workers: black, Soldiers: black and also brown
  • Characteristics: strong polymorph, monogyn and also polygyn
  • Nutrition: insects and seeds
  • Hibernation: No
  • Temperature: 25 - 30 °C
  • Humidity: 50% - 60% at 28° C (moist ground)
  • Soil conditions: loamy sand, loam
  • Planting: not necessary
  • Accessories: heat source
  • Level: for advancer
  • Specifics: very interesting ants because their predatory attacks like this of driver ants. They also apply fixed "highways" when the colony is great enough. The workers ride on their queens (for protection) and sometimes also on the soldiers. The difference of size between the workers and soldiers is the biggest of all ant species.
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Grande colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Plusieurs milliers ouvrirespas d expedition, seulement ramassant

Pheidologeton sp. "mate"

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: phsp0002

This Pheidologeton species is in contrary to Pheidologeton diversus matt black colored and can mostly be found in rain forest. It is a monogyn species. Almost daily they do predatory attacks like the known driver ants in contrary to Pheidologeton diversus where this behaviour is sporadically. The size of this colony is in most cases smaller than of Pheidologeton diversus. It is also not possible to adopt workers or queens like it is possible with Pheidologeton diversus. The workers ride on their queens (for protection) and sometimes also on the soldiers. The difference of size between the workers and soldiers is the biggest of all ant species.

  • Taxonomy: Submailiy Myrmicinae, Tribe Pheidologetonini
  • Distribution: South-East Asia (Rain forest)
  • Color: matt black
  • Characteristics: strong polymorph, monogyn
  • Nest building: soli nests
  • Nutrition: mostly insects and also seeds (nuts)
  • Hibernation: No
  • Temperature: 25 - 30 °C
  • Humidity: 50 - 60% at 28° C (moist ground)
  • Soil conditions: loamy sand, loam
  • Planting: not necessary
  • Accessories: heat source
  • Level: for advancer

This is only available once

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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
avec 300-500

Polyrhachis cf. armata

Ajouté au: 02/21/20
No. article: pocf0003

This is a black aggressive indonesian polyrhachis species that builds weaved nests under leafes. It is a monogyn rarer species compared to other Polyrhachis. A remarkable characteristic is the hammertone finish like black head and thorax. This strong about 1 cm large Polyrhachis builds smaller colonies compared to other Polyrhachis.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Origin: Indonesia
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence: black (hammertone finish) with large thorns
  • Size: Workers 1 cm
  • Nest bulding: Cocon nests primarily between or under leafes
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects
  • Temperature: 25 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting
  • Planting: i.e. Ficus, Pachira aquatica
  • Level: Medium


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Empty - Pas disponible en ce moment
with 100-150 workers
Limites d'expédition: Expeditions uniquement en Allemagne.

Polyrhachis cf. illaudata

Ajouté au: 05/26/15
No. article: pocf0001

In contrast to the Polyrhachis dives these Polyrhachis do not belong to the spining weaver's ants.

They live in natural hollow cavities (e.g., to bamboo canes, wooden trunks or similar).

  •     Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribus Camponotini
  •     Origin: Asia
  •     Winter rest: No
  •     Color :silbrig black
  •     Nest construction: Bamboo canes, wooden trunks or similar.
  •     Food: Honey water, insects
  •     Temperature: 25 - 28 °C
  •     Air humidity: 60 - 80% (tropical climate)
  •     Surface conditions: Only for any(possible) plantation inevitably
  •     Position class: simply 
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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
avec ca. 40-60 ouvrieres

Polyrhachis sp.

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: posp0001

This is a large bluish shinny black Polyrhachis species from Southeast Asia. The colony size is smaller than of the "bulk ants" Polyrhachis dives (max. 150 - 200 ants).

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Origin: Southeast Asia
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence: bluish shinny black with large thorns
  • Nest bulding: Cocon nests on tree stems and various hollow
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects
  • Temperature: 25 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting
  • Planting: i.e. Ficus, Pachira aquatica
  • Level: Medium
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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment

Polyrhachis sp. 2

Ajouté au: 02/12/09
No. article: posp0002

This is a black aggressive indonesian polyrhachis species that builds weaved nests under leafes. It is a monogyn rarer species compared to other Polyrhachis. A remarkable characteristic is the hammertone finish like black head and thorax. This strong about 1 cm large Polyrhachis builds smaller colonies compared to other Polyrhachis.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Origin: Indonesia
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence: black (hammertone finish) with large thorns
  • Size: Workers 1 cm
  • Nest bulding: Cocon nests primarily between or under leafes
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects
  • Temperature: 25 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting
  • Planting: i.e. Ficus, Pachira aquatica
  • Level: Medium


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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec plus ou moins 50 ouvrières

Polyrhachis sp. 3

Ajouté au: 05/15/09
No. article: posp0003

This is a small black colored peaceful indonesian Polyrhachis species that creates it's weave nests between leafes. Colonies are not very populous and are ideal for keeping in community basins. This species have large thorns and slight red leegs.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Origin: Indonesia
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence: black with large thorns
  • Nest bulding: Cocon nests primarily between leafes
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects
  • Temperature: 25 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting
  • Planting: i.e. Ficus, Pachira aquatica
  • Level: Medium


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error Polyrhachis sp. 3 ne peut être ajouté à votre panier.
Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec plus ou moins 60-70 ouvrières
Limites d'expédition: Expeditions uniquement en Allemagne.

Polyrhachis sp. 4

Ajouté au: 05/15/09
No. article: posp0004

This is a small shinny black colored indonesian Polyrhachis species that creates it's weave nests between leafes. Colonies are not very populous and are ideal for keeping in community basins.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Origin: Indonesia
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence: shinny black
  • Nest bulding: Cocon nests primarily between leafes
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects
  • Temperature: 25 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting
  • Planting: i.e. Ficus, Pachira aquatica
  • Level: Medium


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Colonie petite - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 15-20 ouvrières
colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 150-200 ouvrières

Polyrhachis sp. 5

Ajouté au: 01/23/10
No. article: posp0005

This is a small red colored indonesian Polyrhachis species that creates it's weave nests between leafes. Colonies are not very populous and are ideal for keeping in community basins.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Origin: Indonesia
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence: red
  • Nest bulding: Cocon nests primarily between leafes
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects
  • Temperature: 25 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting
  • Planting: i.e. Ficus, Pachira aquatica
  • Level: Medium


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Petite colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 8 Ouvrières
Limites d'expédition: Expeditions uniquement en Allemagne.
Grande colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 100-150 ouvrières

Polyrhachis sp. 7

Ajouté au: 01/23/11
No. article: posp0007

This is a beautiful black colored tropical Polyrhachis species of Southeast Asia. It is an undemanding, diurnal, and tame species.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Distribution: Southeast Asia
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence: shiny black
  • Colony size: small
  • Nest bulding: weaved nests between green leafes
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects and other small animals
  • Temperature: 25 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting
  • Planting: usefull because they like walking on plants


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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
With 10-20 workers

Polyrhachis sp. 8 "Erdbewohner"

Ajouté au: 11/11/16
No. article: posp0008
  • Taxonomy: Unterfamilie Formicinae, Tribus Camponotini
  • Herkunft: Asien
  • Winterruhe: Nein
  • Aussehen:silbrig-schwarz
  • Nestbau: Erdnester
  • Nahrung: Honigwasser, Insekten
  • Temperatur: 25 - 28 °C
  • Luftfeuchtigkeit: 60 - 80 % (tropisches Klima)
  • Bodenbeschaffenheit: Nur für etwaige Bepflanzung notwendig
  • Haltungsklasse: einfach
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error Polyrhachis sp. 8 "Erdbewohner" ne peut être ajouté à votre panier.
Coloni - Pas disponible en ce moment
avec 50-70 ouvrieres beccarii

Ajouté au: 02/19/10
No. article: posp0006

This is a beautiful golden colored tropical Polyrhachis species of Southeast Asia. It is an undemanding, diurnal, and tame species.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Distribution: Southeast Asia
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence: golden
  • Colony size: medium
  • Nest bulding: dry tree branches or hollow tree trunks
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects and other small animals
  • Temperature: 25 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting
  • Planting: usefull because they like walking on plants


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Petite colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 20-40 ouvrières

Proatta butteli

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: prsp0001

Proatta looks like a miniature Atta but isn't related to it. This species don't breed fungi and don't cut leaves. There don't exists cast building. It is easy to keep.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Myrmicine, Tribe Stenammini
  • Distribution: South-East Asia
  • Color: Worker: golden, Queen: brownish yellow
  • Nutrition: dead insects and honey-/sugar water
  • Nest building: Soilnest
  • Climate: Tropical rainforest
  • Specifics: Queen feign death if in danger, workers are otherwise very fortified
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Colonie avec 60-100 ouvrieres - Pas disponible en ce moment