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Filtre beccarii

Ajouté au: 02/19/10
No. article: posp0006

Catégorie: Fourmis>Asie

This is a beautiful golden colored tropical Polyrhachis species of Southeast Asia. It is an undemanding, diurnal, and tame species.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Distribution: Southeast Asia
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence: golden
  • Colony size: medium
  • Nest bulding: dry tree branches or hollow tree trunks
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects and other small animals
  • Temperature: 25 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting
  • Planting: usefull because they like walking on plants


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Petite colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 2-5 ouvrières
grande colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 100 ouvrières
Limites d'expédition: Expeditions uniquement en Allemagne.

Pachycondyla cf tridentata

Ajouté au: 11/10/16
No. article: pacf0003

Catégorie: Fourmis>Asie

Coming soon !

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Coloni - Pas disponible en ce moment
avec 45-60 ouvrieres avec Gamergate

Odontomachus cf rixosus

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: odsp0001

Catégorie: Fourmis>Asie

These ants are able to catapult themselfs up to 40 cm far thru sudden lock up of their mandibles. This mandible lock up is the fastest known mechanism in the fauna. The upper jaw closes with a speed of 38 to 64 m/s. Thru locking up their jaws they are anesthetizing their prey to afterwards sting it to death. It is improper for a corporate tank/formicarium because they will attack any other species at first encounter.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Ponerinae, Tribe Ponerini
  • Distribution: South-East Asia, Southern America
  • Color: brown
  • Size: 12 mm
  • Hibernation: No
  • Nutrition: Sugar water and insects
  • Temperature: 24 - 28 °C
  • Nest building: Soil nests and rotten wood
  • Keeping level: easy
  • Dangers: can sting
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Petite Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 40-60 ouvrières

Myrmicaria cf arachnoides

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: myar0001

Catégorie: Fourmis>Asie

These specie build carton nests, similar like wasps, they need high air humidity for the nestbuilding (often spray in the closed basin). They sit up on their long extremities by danger and deliver a little drop turpentinelike defence-secretion at their protruding sting. Slow walking animals. Never nestling in the soil; carton nests often under leafs, no house-ant.

  • Origin: Southeast Asia (mountains about 800 m)
  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Myrmicinae, Tribe Myrmicariini
  • Characteristics: Monomorph
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence of the queen: two colored ant, brown-beige, humpy, with long extremities
  • Appearance of the workers: same as queen
  • Nest bulding: carton nests under leaves of trees
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects
  • Temperature: 18 - 25°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical climate)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting, nesting between leaves
  • Planting: ficus, Pachira aquatica
  • Level: Difficult
  • Specifics: It is advisable to use an Formicarium top covering to keep temperature and air humidity constant. Othwerwise they aren't able to build carton nests.
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Colonie,deux fourmis, brun-beige couleur - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 100-150 ouvrières (différentes tailles)
Colonie noire ouvrieres - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 150-200 ouvrières, polygyn

Harpegnathos venator

Ajouté au: 05/15/09
No. article: have0001

Catégorie: Fourmis>Asie

Harpegnathos venator has a very interesting hunting behaviour and a good sight.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Ponerinae, Tribe Ponerini
  • Distribution: South-East Asia
  • Color: black
  • Size: approx. 15 mm
  • Hibernation: No
  • Nutrition: Insects, Spiders, etc. and sometimes Honey-/Sugar water
  • Temperature: warm, 22 - 28°C (Tropical)
  • Soil condition: Sand loam
  • Nest building: Soil nest with caldera
  • Planting: Any rain forest plants
  • Keeping level: medium (for advanced ants keepers)


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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 10 - 25 ouvrières

Camponotus habereri

Ajouté au: 12/02/08
No. article: caha0001

Catégorie: Fourmis>Asie

Unique colored Camponotus species from East Asia.Even first workers do have the unique colored stripes of the Queen.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Distribution: East Asia
  • Color: red with black-yellow striped abdomen
  • Size: Workers: 0.8 - 1.3 cm, Queen: 1.6 cm
  • Nutrition: Honey- or sugar water and insects
  • Hibernation: No
  • Climate: subtropical (moist), Flatland
  • Nest building: Wood nests
  • Planting: nothing specific
  • Level: easy
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colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec20-30 ouvrières
Grande colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec plus ou moins 500-1000 ouvrières

Camponotus cf. nicobarensis

Ajouté au: 05/15/09
No. article: cacf0001

Catégorie: Fourmis>Asie

A multicolored Camponotus species from South-East Asia.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Distribution: South-East Asia
  • Color: multicolored (brown, red, yellow)
  • Size: 6 - 12 mm
  • Characteristics: polymorph
  • Nutrition: Honey- or sugar water and insects
  • Hibernation: No
  • Climate: tropical (lowland)
  • Nest building: Soilnests
  • Planting: nothing specific
  • Level: easy
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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 5-10 ouvrières
Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
- avec 80-100 ouveries

Camponotus cf. irritans

Ajouté au: 10/09/15
No. article: cacf0002

Catégorie: Fourmis>Asie
  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Characteristics: polymorph, nocturnal
  • Color: red brown, amber (contrasting color)
  • Size: 7 up to 12mm
  • Distribution: South-East Asia
  • Nutrition: Honey- or sugar water, crickets, flies
  • Hibernation: No
  • Temperature: 24 - 28 °C (tropical)
  • Humidity: Rain forest
  • Nest building: dead wood only

This beautiful colored species is really easy to keep.

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Petite colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 10-20 ouvrieres