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Gerhard Kalytta est entièrement responsable du contenu du site et de sa ligne éditoriale.
Siège social:
Erlengrund 5
56154 Boppard
Gerhard Kalytta
Téléphone: ++49 (0)6742 897118
Numéro d'identification de T.V.A.: DE243415434
Numéro fiscal: 38 / 080 / 3097 / 1
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Si vous désirez nous rendre visite, voici un plan nous localisant.
From Autobahn direction towards Koblenz/Mainz (A61):
- Leave at exit/slip road 41 towards Buchholz/Boppard the Autobahn
- Turn right into Hunsrückhöhenstrasse (B327) towards Buchholz
- After 400 m turn right towards Boppard (L209)
- After 5 km turn right into the street named “Auf der Zeil” and follow the street until the traffic lights
- Passing the light drive 400 m to your right towards Buchenau until you reach the first main intersection
- At that intersection turn left towards Buchenau/Schwimmbad (last means swimming pool) (K118)
- Then go straight and pass the location- exit sign. Turn the second drive right and drive towards the stadium.
- Then straight beyond the intersection (street leads upwards), pass by Aldi (Supermarket) towards stadium entrance
- First street on your left turn into Erlengrund!