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Camponotus sp.

Ajouté au: 10/09/15
No. article: casp0025

A small southeast asian Camponotus species that nests in dry and dead wood similar to the European Camponotus truncatus. A moist climate is also no problem, however it is important to ensure that the nesting wood can dry out.

Because this is a peaceful species it can be kept together with other species in one basin.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Color: black
  • Size: 3-7mm
  • Distribution: South-East Asia
  • Nutrition: Honey- or sugar water, crickets, flies
  • Hibernation: No
  • Temperature: 24 - 28 °C (tropical)
  • Humidity: Rain forest
  • Nest building: dead wood (dry)
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