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Messor structor

Ajouté au: 04/26/09
No. article: mest0001

Messor structor is a Myrmicinae like Messor barbarus with minor- till major-worker with all passings. Great colonies carry their seeds on long "highways" into the nest. They stores the seed in different granaries and create so-called ants bread in "chew-communities" especially for the colder season. They lay out an trash-accumulation. In contrary to other Messor species this species is polygyn i.e. has several Queens.

  • Taxonomy: Myrmicinae
  • Color: black
  • Size: Queen 14 - 16 mm
  • Origin: South France
  • Nutrition: Mostly seeds from different rampant plants (also grass), but insects and honeywater too
  • Temperature: 25 - 30 °C
  • Hibernation: Yes (slight)
  • Air humidity: Dry climate
  • Nest building: Soil nests, loam, pebbles
  • Planting: nothing specific
  • Class: easy to keep

All of our Messor will be shipped with a small container of hand-picked plant seeds that are most popular for the Messor.seeds

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