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Polyrhachis cf. armata

Ajouté au: 02/21/20
No. article: pocf0003

This is a black aggressive indonesian polyrhachis species that builds weaved nests under leafes. It is a monogyn rarer species compared to other Polyrhachis. A remarkable characteristic is the hammertone finish like black head and thorax. This strong about 1 cm large Polyrhachis builds smaller colonies compared to other Polyrhachis.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Origin: Indonesia
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence: black (hammertone finish) with large thorns
  • Size: Workers 1 cm
  • Nest bulding: Cocon nests primarily between or under leafes
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects
  • Temperature: 25 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting
  • Planting: i.e. Ficus, Pachira aquatica
  • Level: Medium


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with 100-150 workers
Limites d'expédition: Expeditions uniquement en Allemagne.