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Lasius cf. lasioides

Added on: 12/17/10
Article number: lacf0001

Lasius lasioides is a small Lasius species distributed in Southern of Europe and hence doesn't require deep hibernation. In contrary to Laius niger this species is colored more blackish-brown (especially their limbs) and is a bit smaller (2-3 mm). It is also less aggressive. Nests are builded well in deadwood as under stones (in soil).

  • Taxonomy: Formicinae
  • Size: Workers: 2 - 3 mm, Queen: 7 - 8 mm
  • Color: blackish-brown
  • Distribution: Southern Europe (Lowlands)
  • Nutrition: primary honey- or sugar water and later protein in the form of insects and other small animals
  • Hibernation: Yes
  • Temperature: 20 - 28 °C
  • Nest building: soild nests, deathwood
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Lasius emarginatus

Added on: 11/02/06
Article number: laem0001

Two colored, monogyne Lasius species with distribution in Middle Euope. It is the fastest moving Lasius species with the best optical orientation and good recruition.

  • Taxonomy: Formicinae
  • Size: Workers: 3,5 - 5 mm, Queen: 8 - 9 mm
  • Color: two colored (see Photo)
  • Distribution: Middle Europe
  • Nutrition: primary insects, but also nectar and sweet fruits
  • Hibernation: Yes
  • Temperature: 20° - 25° C
  • Nest building: Nists under stones, between brickwork or in rotten wood. Will also partly creates carton nests.
  • Planting: not necessary
  • Class: very easy
  • Safety note: This species should be kept in break out safe environment because this species can also be found near or in houses.
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error Lasius emarginatus could not be added to the shopping cart.
Colony - Currently not available
With 100 - 200 workers

Lasius flavus

Added on: 11/02/06
Article number: lafl0001

Lasius flavus is a quince yellow ant species which is distributed throughout Europe. This species favor sunny places and can be found in the meadow between grass stems. It is a monogyne species.

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Queen - 3.90 €
Small Colony - Currently not available
With 3 - 6 workers
Colony - Currently not available
Colony with 15 - 30 workers
Large Colony - Currently not available
With at least 30 workers

Lasius niger

Added on: 11/02/06
Article number: lani0001

Lasius niger is a aggressive shinny black ant species which is widely distributed throughout Europe. This species favor sunny places like waysides or sunny hills. It is a monogyne species.

  • Taxonomy: Formicinae
  • Size: Workers: 3,5 - 5 mm, Queen: 8 - 9 mm
  • Color: shinny black
  • Distribution: throughout Europe
  • Nutrition: primary honey- or sugar water and later protein in the form of insects
  • Hibernation: Yes
  • Temperature: 20° - 25° C
  • Nest building: Soil nests, builds small soil based mounds between grass stems or under stones
  • Planting: Grass or similar (not suitable for the arena)
  • Class: very easy
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Queen - instead of 2.80 € now only 2.00 €
Colony - Currently not available
With 15 - 30 workers
Small Colony - instead of 9.00 € now only 6.67 €
With 5-9 workers

Lasius umbratus

Added on: 10/08/17
Article number: laum0001

Lasius umbratus is a parasitic Formicinae. To gain access to the nest of the hosts (mostly Lasius niger) the Queen kills a worker ant to gain their scent. This will make it easier to infiltrate the host colony. However only a very small number of Queens are successful to access mostly small host colonies. After infiltration the host Queen will be neutralised either by killing or expelling. The host worker ants accept the new Queen and keep care on her brood. As there are more and more Lasius umbratus workers, the remaining host workers gets killed.

  • Taxonomy: Formicinae, Tribe: Lasiini
  • Size: Workers: 3,5 - 5 mm, Queen: 8 - 9 mm
  • Color: Yellow to brownish yellow
  • Distribution: throughout Europe, Asia and Northern America
  • Nutrition: primary honey- or sugar water and later protein in the form of insects
  • Hibernation: Yes
  • Temperature: 20° - 25° C
  • Nest building: Soil nests, builds small soil based mounds between grass stems or under stones, partly "cardboard" nests
  • Planting: Grass or similar (not suitable for the arena)
  • Class: very easy after foundation
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error Lasius umbratus could not be added to the shopping cart.
Queen - Currently not available
With 10-30 worker ants (Lasius niger) that were joined before hibernation after foundation

Leptothorax acervorum

Added on: 04/24/08
Article number: leac0001

Small red-brown colored Myrmicinae which can be kept in small terrariums. It is also a preferred species for a conjoint with other ants because it is not dominant and avoids any conflicts with other ants.

  • Taxonomy: Myrmicinae
  • Color: bicolored (red-brown)
  • Size:
  • Nest size: Medium (80 - 200 ants)
  • Characteristics: monogyn and polygyn
  • Distribution: Southern- to Northern Europe
  • Nutrition: mostly small insects and also honey water
  • Hibernation: Yes
  • Nest building: in rotten wood, small branches or under bark
  • Planting: any
  • Class: easy
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Colony - Currently not available
With 20 workers