- Currently not available Contains about 150 workers |
- Currently not available Contains 150 - 200 workers |
Camponotus aethiops is a shinny black colored heat loving Camponotus species that nests preferably in stony areas. This species is also polymorph with minor- and major workers with different shape and size.
- Currently not available With 5 - 10 workers | |
- Currently not available With 50 - 100 workers | |
Small Colony
- Currently not available With about 30 workers |
- Currently not available With 3-5 workers | |
- Currently not available with 15-20 workers |
Camponotus cruentatus is one of the largest European ants species. This species has a very interesting color. In nature they can be found in very sunny places.
Small colony
- Currently not available With 5 - 10 workers | |
- Currently not available With 10 - 20 workers (2014) | |
- Currently not available With 20 - 40 workers (2014) | |
- Currently not available 60 - 100 workers |
Camponotus herculeanus is one of the biggest european ant species. Can be mostly found in highlands and they build theire nests in wood (coniferous wood)
- Currently not available With first workers | |
Small colony
- Currently not available With 5 - 10 workers | |
- Currently not available With 10 - 20 workers | |
- Currently not available 20 - 40 workers | |
- Currently not available 50 - 100 workers (2017) | |
Queen - 10.08 € | |
Large colony
- Currently not available With 100 - 200 workers |
This is a small Camponotus species which can be found in Southern Europe in arid and shady regions, mostly in soil under stones or in rotten wood. A very specific character of this species is that larger worker acts as "honeypot".
- Currently not available With approx. 40 workers |
Camponotus ligniperda is one of the biggest european ant species. Prefers sunny and dry slopes and can be found in stony ground as well as in rotten wood. Can be found in low-level as well as in mountains.
- 12.61 € With workers | |
Small Colony
- 20.92 € With 5 - 10 workers | |
- Currently not available With 20 - 40 workers | |
Large colony
- Currently not available With 100 - 200 workers | |
- 11.76 € Queen (nuptial flight 2024) |
Camponotus micans is a south European and african ants species with preference for sunny and dry places.
Small colony
- Currently not available With 5 - 10 workers | |
- Currently not available with 30-50 workers |
Subfamily: Formicinae
Tribus: Camponotini
Origin: Southern Europe, lives there in dry areas in Soilnests
Nutrition: sugar water and insects
Level: easy
Hibernation: November - February at 10-15 degrees
- Currently not available With 50 - 70 workers | |
Small Colony
- Currently not available with 5 - 10 Workers |
Camponotus piceus is a strong polymorph and inoffensive Camponotus species that can be found on dry and warm locations. Smallerst workers are just as large as Lasius niger. This species is suitable for keeping in mediteranean community basin.
- Currently not available With 10-30 ants |
Camponotus truncatus (formerly known as Colobopsis) is a tree dweller ant species which can be found in deadwood (rotten branches of trees) and which can be found in warmer regions of Germany or in Mediterranean area. A distinctive feature of this species are the major workers which have a kind of bung shaped head to close the nestentry. Also the Queen has such a shaped head to close nest entry during colony foundation. This species generally avoids confrontation with other ant species, however they are aggressive against strange colonies of the same species.
Small colony
- Currently not available With approx. 20 workers | |
- Currently not available With at least 50 workers | |
Queen - Currently not available |
Camponotus vagus is a black, haired, strong and aggressive Camponotus species that can be found mainly in deadwood. This species is polymorph with size difference of up to 1 cm. This species can be found in clear forest, preferably pine forests.
Queen with first workers - Currently not available | |
- Currently not available With 10 - 20 workers | |
- Currently not available 50 - 60 workers | |
- Currently not available 20 - 40 workers (2014) | |
Big colony
- Currently not available more than 150 workers |
Very fortified aggressive ant species with good sight. It is a long-legged and fast moving ant species. They almost can't climb glass panes.
- Currently not available Contains above 500 ants |
This is the largest Cataglyphis throughout Europe which is distributed from Asia minor to Central Europe.
Large colony
- Currently not available With 100 - 200 workers | |
Colony (red)
- Currently not available With 25 - 50 workers. Extra ordinary red colored Queen. | |
Small colony
- Currently not available With 30 - 40 workers |
Very fortified aggressive ant species with good sight. It is a long-legged and fast moving ant species. They almost can't climb glass panes.
- Currently not available Contains 10-20 workers |
This is a beautiful colored red-black colored ants species of Southern Europe. This species often forage on long street to their feeding lots. On excitement they raises the gaster upwards similar to a scorpion to defend their attackers with their defense secretion.
Small colony
- Currently not available With 5-10 workers (2018) | |
- Currently not available 10 - 20 workers (2013) | |
- Currently not available ca 200workers |
Colony with 150-200 workers - Currently not available |
This species is very fascinating because of their "robbery of slaves". During the summer month they organize predatory attacks to the nests of their "helping ants" (Slaves) which provide for the inner household. It could be possible that the slaves also be integrate in the defence. According to the slaves they build a species-typical nest for the robber-ants. Raptiformica sanguinea could as well live without slaves contrary to the "Slave-robbers" Polyergus rufescens (protected specie). Inside the Terrarium such a predatory attack can be produced artificially by giving them cocoons of the slave-ants. So it will be possible to control the amount of different slaves.
Small Colony
- 20.17 € With 15 - 30 workers | |
- 28.57 € With 30 - 60 workers | |
Large Colony
- Currently not available With at least 150-200 workers |
Colony - Currently not available | |
Large colony
- Currently not available With 60-80 workers |
Common "helping ant" (slaves) like Formica fusca for the predation ants e.g. Raptiformica or Polyergus. It is favored over Formica fusca by Polyergus for example.
- Currently not available Contains about 20-30 workers | |
- Currently not available With 5-10 workers |
Common "helping ant" (sclaves) for the predation ants e.g. Raptiformica.
Small Colony
- Currently not available With 20 - 30 workers | |
- Currently not available With 50 - 150 workers | |
Large colony
- Currently not available With 150 - 500 workers | |
Colony with several Queens
- Currently not available With 50 - 150 ants and 2 - 3 Queens |
A Serviformica which prefers wram, sunny sand habitates.
- Currently not available With approx. 20 workers | |
Big Colony
- Currently not available with 50-100 workers |
Lasius lasioides is a small Lasius species distributed in Southern of Europe and hence doesn't require deep hibernation. In contrary to Laius niger this species is colored more blackish-brown (especially their limbs) and is a bit smaller (2-3 mm). It is also less aggressive. Nests are builded well in deadwood as under stones (in soil).
Two colored, monogyne Lasius species with distribution in Middle Euope. It is the fastest moving Lasius species with the best optical orientation and good recruition.
- Currently not available With 100 - 200 workers |
Lasius flavus is a quince yellow ant species which is distributed throughout Europe. This species favor sunny places and can be found in the meadow between grass stems. It is a monogyne species.
Queen - 3.28 € | |
Small Colony
- Currently not available With 3 - 6 workers | |
- Currently not available Colony with 15 - 30 workers | |
Large Colony
- Currently not available With at least 30 workers |
Lasius niger is a aggressive shinny black ant species which is widely distributed throughout Europe. This species favor sunny places like waysides or sunny hills. It is a monogyne species.
Queen - instead of 2.35 € now only 1.68 € | |
- Currently not available With 15 - 30 workers | |
Small Colony
- instead of 7.56 € now only 5.60 € With 5-9 workers |
Lasius umbratus is a parasitic Formicinae. To gain access to the nest of the hosts (mostly Lasius niger) the Queen kills a worker ant to gain their scent. This will make it easier to infiltrate the host colony. However only a very small number of Queens are successful to access mostly small host colonies. After infiltration the host Queen will be neutralised either by killing or expelling. The host worker ants accept the new Queen and keep care on her brood. As there are more and more Lasius umbratus workers, the remaining host workers gets killed.
- Currently not available With 10-30 worker ants (Lasius niger) that were joined before hibernation after foundation |
Small red-brown colored Myrmicinae which can be kept in small terrariums. It is also a preferred species for a conjoint with other ants because it is not dominant and avoids any conflicts with other ants.
- Currently not available With 20 workers |
Manica rubida s the largest stingable ant species from europe, very strong and tough ants. It's very demonstrative because of it's red color.
- Currently not available With 20 - 30 workers | |
Large colony
- Currently not available With at least 70 workers | |
Small colony
- Currently not available With 5-10 workers | |
Queen with eggs - Currently not available |
Messor barbarus is a Myrmicinae with minor- till major-worker with all passings. Great colonies carry on long "highways" their seeds into the nest. They storing the seed in different granaries and prepare in "chew-communities" the so-called ant bread especially for the colder season. They lay out an trash-accumulation.
All Messor will be included with untreated hand-picked plant seeds.
Note: Young Queens from current season do not have any offspring (Queens with offspring and/or brood are from last year), they wil lay first eggs in spring.
Queen - 5.97 € | |
Queen (red)
- Currently not available Extra red selection | |
Queen with brood - Currently not available | |
Queen (red head) - Currently not available | |
Small Colony
- instead of 16.72 € now only 14.29 € Contains 5 - 15 workers | |
- Currently not available With 15 - 50 workers | |
Large colony
- Currently not available With at least 100 workers |
- Currently not available Contains 30 - 50 ants |
Messor barbarus is a Myrmicinae with minor- till major-worker with all passings. Great colonies carry their seeds on long "highways" into the nest. They are storing the seeds in different granaries and prepare them in "chew-communities" to the so-called ant bread especially for the colder season. They lay out an trash-accumulation. This species can tolerate lower temperatures than Messor barbarus.
All Messor will be included with untreated hand-picked plant seeds.
Note: Young Queens from current season do not have any offspring (Queens with offspring and/or brood are from last year), they wil lay first eggs in spring.
- Currently not available Queen with 50 workers |
A dark brown colored messor species from Greece. This species don't require an extensive hibernation phase and so can be kept warm or at room temperatur in winter.
All of our Messor will be shipped with a small container of hand-picked plant seeds that are most popular for the Messor.
Small Colony
- Currently not available With 10 - 30 workers | |
Large Colony
- Currently not available With about 60 - 80 workers | |
- Currently not available 30 - 60 |
Messor cf. wasmanni is a Myrmicinae with minor- till major-worker with all passings. However their size is slightly smaller than for instance Messor barbarus. Great colonies carry on long "highways" their seeds into the nest. They storing the seed in different granaries and prepare in "chew-communities" the so-called ant bread especially for the colder season. They lay out an trash-accumulation.
All Messor will be included with untreated hand-picked plant seeds.
Small colony
- Currently not available Contains 20 - 30 workers |
Messor structor is a Myrmicinae like Messor barbarus with minor- till major-worker with all passings. Great colonies carry their seeds on long "highways" into the nest. They stores the seed in different granaries and create so-called ants bread in "chew-communities" especially for the colder season. They lay out an trash-accumulation. In contrary to other Messor species this species is polygyn i.e. has several Queens.
All of our Messor will be shipped with a small container of hand-picked plant seeds that are most popular for the Messor.
- Currently not available With several Queens | |
- Currently not available With 30-50 workers |
Myrmica rubra is an aggressive red-brown ant species which is distributed throughout Europe. This species favor medium sunny habitates in moist meadows. It is a polygyne species.
Especially suitable for beginners.
- Currently not available With 50 - 100 workers | |
Large Colony
- Currently not available With 100 - 200 workers | |
Colonies with several Queens
- Currently not available With at least 3 Queens |
Myrmica sabuleti is a red-brown ant species which is distributed throughout Europe. This species can be found in grassland or heathland habitates, avoids high meadows and can not be found in lowland (below 400 m). It is a mostly polygyne species.
- Currently not available With at least 50 workers | |
Large Colony
- Currently not available With at least 150 workers |
Myrmica scabrinodis is a red-brown ant species which is distributed throughout Europe similar to Myrmica rubra. This species can be found in moist grassland or moors avoids dry habitates.
Colony - Currently not available |
A Pheidole species with soldier caste that is normaly monogyn. Coureageous fighter, who could disperse with soldiers in team-work food-insect and hunt small insects and other animals. The color of this species varies from locality to locality. Mostly brown, also light brown and black, but there are also yellow and red colored variants. Non-temperature-sensitive species that could hibernate in unheated rooms or be well-kept by room temperature.
The yellow and red colored Pheidole is available for limited period only.
Small Colony
- Currently not available With 10 - 20 workers | |
- instead of 32.77 € now only 28.57 € With at least 50 - 100 workers (2015) | |
Colony (yellow colored)
- Currently not available With 50 - 200 workers | |
Large Colony
- Currently not available With 100 - 200 workers |
Plagiolepis is one of the smallest European ants species. It can be found in warm and dry habitats.
- Currently not available With at least 50 workers |
Polyergus rufescens are slave-robber ants which are totaly dependent on their helping ants (slaves) like Formica cunicularia, Formica rufibarbis or Formica fusca. They dependent on feed by their helping ants and they don't participate in any nest building activities. They will get active on slaves robbery only where they robber brood of their helping ants. It is a very fortified ants species with large saber shaped mandibles.
Important: Please provide only brood of Formica fusca in future. Otherwiese there could be trouble if brood of Formica fuscsa is offered as helper ants.
Note: This colony originates from an non-german ants breeder (certified) and is not taken from nature. This species is endangered in Germany and shouldn't be taken from nature.
Colony with 30-50 ants
- Currently not available With Polyergus workers and helper ants ( Formica fusca). | |
Colony with 200 - 300 ants
- Currently not available With Polyergus workers and helper ants ( Formica fusca). |
Queen - 13.45 € | |
- Currently not available With 100 - 500 workers |
This ant species builds small mounds of sand particles, mostly with central hollow. Their movement is very fast. In contrary to Tapinoma erraticum the colony size is smaller and mostly can be found in sandy areas.
- Currently not available With 20 - 50 workers |
This ant species builds small mounds of soil particles, mostly with central hollow. Their movement is very fast.
- Currently not available With 20 - 50 workers | |
Small colony
- Currently not available With up to 10 workers |
Small red-brown colored Myrmicinae which can be kept in small terrariums. It is also a preferred species for a conjoint with other ants because it is not dominant and avoids any conflicts with other ants.
- Currently not available With about 100 workers |
Temnothorax interruptus one of the smallest Temnothorax species suitable for keeping in one companion basin (basin with several species). This species also prefers warm temperatures and inhabits dry habitats. It is a very adept hunter by creeping up on their prey (very often springtails) and jumping at their prey and killing them by sting within seconds.
- Currently not available With 50 workers |
Small red-brown colored Myrmicinae which can be kept in small terrariums. It is also a preferred species for a conjoint with other ants because it is not dominant and avoids any conflicts with other ants.
- Currently not available With 50-100 workers |
Small strange colored Myrmicinae which can be kept in small terrariums. It is also a preferred species for a conjoint with other ants because it is not dominant and avoids any conflicts with other ants.
- Currently not available With about 70 workers |
Tetramorium impurum is an aggressive black brown ant species. This species favor sunny and dry places and loamy ground. It can often be found in cities between pavements. It is a monogyne species which will be suppressed by Tetramorium caespitum in lowland
Queen - Currently not available | |
- Currently not available With 50-100 workers |
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Article number: apsp0001