Iridomyrmex cf. purpureus
A beautiful colored and mainly in Southeastern Australia distributed ants species with beautiful green-purpur shimmer.
- Taxonomy: Subfamilie Dolichoderinae
- Distribution: Australia
- Color: Queen: black, Workers: reddish-black
- Size: Queen: 12 - 15 mm
- Hibernation: No
- Nutrition: Honey/sugarwater, insects, spiders and other small animals and occasionally seeds
- Temperature: from cool through very hot 15 - 30°C
- Climate: subtropical to tropical
- Soil conditions: nothing special
- Nest building: Soil nests with small mounds
- Planting: not neccessary
- Specifics: Abdomen especially from workers is shimmering green to purpur. Creates small mounds.
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No. article: ircf0001