Distribution: West Australia, highlands (300 - 400 m)
Color:Mandible: yellow-brown, Head: black-brown, Thorax: dark red, Abdomen: black
Size: 25 - 27 mm
Nestbiulding: soil nest with mounds that are decorated with branchlets or pieces of grass stems. Will be usually found in eucalyptus tree forests, like half-shaded areas.
Nutrition: insects and honeywater
Hibernation: No
Temperature:Summer: day: 26 - 28 °C, night: 18 - 20 °C, Winter: day: 20 - 26 °C, night: 5 - 15 °C
Air Humidity: dry forest climate
Soil Conditions: stoney, sandy with foliage and branchlets
Planting: grasses and small plants
specifics: This specie is easy to keep, is more aggressive and is more shy than Myrmecia pavida for instance. These animals follow you by their eyes
Myrmecia cf. nigriceps e' stato aggiunto al carrello
Myrmecia cf. nigriceps non puo' essere aggiunto al carrello.
Numero articolo: mysp0001