Language: French English German Italian

Carebara (Pheidologeton) sp.

Aggiunto il: 11/02/06
Numero articolo: phsp0003

Similar to Pheidologeton diversus (workers ride on their queens and sometimes also on the soldiers)..

  • Origin: South-East Asia
  • Color: Workers: braun, Soldiers: black and also brown, red
  • Characteristics: strong polymorph, monogyn and also polygyn
  • Nutrition: insects and seeds
  • Hibernation: No
  • Temperature: 24 - 28 °C
  • Humidity: moist
  • Soil conditions: loamy sand, loam
  • Planting: not necessary
  • Accessories: heat source
  • Level: for advancer
  • Specifics: Very interesting ants because their predatory attacks like this of driver ants. They also apply fixed "highways" when the colony is great enough. The workers ride on their queens (for protection) and sometimes also on the soldiers. 
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Colonia - Al momento non disponibile
2 Queens, 500-1000 workers
Restrizioni sulla spedizione: Spedizione solo in Germania