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Tetraponera sp. "orange"

Ajouté au: 05/06/12
No. article: tesp0001

This Tetraponerinae nests in hollow branchlets similar to the various Pseudomyrmex from the new world. A peculiarity of this species is that these species can also visually orient in the environment.

  • Taxonomie: Subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae
  • Origin: East african veld
  • Color: orange-red
  • Size: 8-10mm
  • Hibernation: No
  • Nutrition: Honey-/sugarwater, insects, other small animals
  • Temperature: 25-30 °C
  • Nestbuilding: myelinated branches (Elder, Walnut)
  • Features: good visual orientation
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Petite colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
avec 10 - 20 ouvrieres
Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
avec 40 - 50 ouvrieres