This beautiful colored species is really easy to keep.
Small Colony
- Currently not available With 10-20 workers |
A multicolored Camponotus species from South-East Asia.
- Currently not available With 5-10 workers | |
- Currently not available - with 80-100 workers |
Colony - Currently not available |
Note: Shipping outside Germany in winter (November-March) only on own risk.
- Currently not available With about 200 workers Shipping restrictions: Shipping only within Germany |
The largest ant of the world.
This ant is very sensitive, for this reason, no shipping will be offered. The colony offered here has been taken from a queen.
- Currently not available Queen with 100 workers Shipping restrictions: No shipping is possible, self collecting is required |
Unique colored Camponotus species from East Asia.Even first workers do have the unique colored stripes of the Queen.
- Currently not available With 20-30 workers | |
Large colony
- Currently not available With approx. 500-1000 workers |
This is a diurnal, conspicuous golden colored Camponotus species. It will be commonly called as Golden ant due to their golden pubescence on the gaster. Likes very sunny places, will forage alone or in small groups, will direct workers in tandem movement to food source or new nest.
Small colony
- Currently not available With 10 - 20 workers |
- Currently not available With 5-10 workers | |
Large Colony
- Currently not available With 50-80 workers |
- Currently not available Contains 30-50 workers | |
Small colony
- Currently not available With first workers |
This is a fast growing Camponotus species from Maledives which builds strong major workers in larger colonies.
- Currently not available Above 100 ants |
A small southeast asian Camponotus species that nests in dry and dead wood similar to the European Camponotus truncatus. A moist climate is also no problem, however it is important to ensure that the nesting wood can dry out.
Because this is a peaceful species it can be kept together with other species in one basin.
Small colony
- Currently not available With 10-20 workers |
- Currently not available With first workers |
Easy to keep Camponotus species from Thailand.
Note: Only available once because bought from private ants keeper.
- Currently not available With about 100 - 200 workers |
A small Southeast Asian Camponotus species which nests in dry tree branches like our native Camponotus truncatus. Their major workers also closes the nests entries with their plug alike heads and they are even different colored as the normal workers. The Queen attracts attention with her silvery striped gaster. Some keeping notes: nest area shouldn't be kept too moist.
- Currently not available With 20-30 workers |
Note: Shipping outside Germany in winter (November-March) only on own risk.
- Currently not available with 20-30 workers |
Similar to Pheidologeton diversus (workers ride on their queens and sometimes also on the soldiers)..
- Currently not available 2 Queens, 500-1000 workers Shipping restrictions: Shipping only within Germany |
This Carebara species is colored black and occurs mainly in the rainforest. In addition, this species is monogynous. Almost every day she raids like the well-known driver ants, in contrast to Caraebara diversus, which only raids sporadically. The workers "ride" on the queens (for protection) and sometimes also on the big soldiers. Here you can find the biggest difference in height and dimensions between workers and soldiers. The queen in this Carebara sp. strikingly large. All colonies were raised from a queen.
Taxonomy: subfamily Myrmicinae, tribe Pheidologetonini
Distribution: Southeast Asia (rainforest)
Color: black
Characteristics: pronounced box formation, monogyn
Nest building: earth nests
Food: mostly insects and grains (nuts)
Hibernation: No.
Temperature: 25-30 ° C
Air humidity: 50 - 60% at 28 ° C (moist floor)
Soil quality: loamy sand or loam soil (e.g. forest floor)
Planting: Not necessary
Formicaria accessories: heat source
Formicaria equipment: rainforest, moss, leaves, pieces of wood
Attitude class: for advanced
Big colony
- Currently not available with a some thousend workers Shipping restrictions: Shipping only within Germany |
- Currently not available 200-400 worker |
Article number: cacf0002