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Camponotus cf. nigriceps

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: casp0002

Camponotus nigriceps which is also known as "sugar ant" is a easy to keep Camponotus species from Australia.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Distribution: Australia
  • Color: black with red or yellow leggs and brown abdomen
  • Size: Queen (with yellow leggs) about 19 - 22 mm, Queen (with red leggs) about 18 - 19 mm
  • Nutrition: Honey- or sugar water and insects
  • Hibernation: No (see climate)
  • Climate: subtropics (moist)
  • Humidity: Rain forest
  • Nest building: This species nests in loamy ground
  • Planting: nothing specific
  • Level: easy

Shipping to abroad is only possible on customers risk!

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Gyne (rouge cagneuses) - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 5-10 ouvrières

Camponotus consobrinus

Ajouté au: 12/30/10
No. article: caco0001
  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Distribution: Western Australia
  • Color: orange with brown head
  • Nutrition: Honey- or sugar water and insects
  • Hibernation: No (see climate)
  • Climate: sub tropical
  • Planting: nothing specific
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Camponotus sp.

Ajouté au: 01/13/21
No. article: casp0030
A beautiful earth-dwelling Camponotus sp. from Australia, similar to the well-known Camponotus nigriceps.The queen is approx. 18mm, the large major around 16mm. It has to be 300-350 workers.These ants are kept busy: in a Ytong nest, in a beautiful terrarium with a sandy bottom.Clues with various insects, sugar and honey water.Hibernation is not treated.
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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec plus ou moins 300-350 ouvrières

Camponotus sp.

Ajouté au: 12/31/11
No. article: casp0016

In contrary with Camponotus nigriceps this Campontus is far more aggressive and has a faster colony growth.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Camponotini
  • Distribution: Australia
  • Color: multicolored, black-red
  • Nutrition: Honey- or sugar water and insects
  • Hibernation: No (see climate)
  • Climate: subtropics (moist)
  • Humidity: Rain forest
  • Nest building: This species nests in loamy ground
  • Planting: nothing specific
  • Level: easy
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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 20-30 ouvrières

Camponotus sp.

Ajouté au: 02/10/19
No. article: casp0026
A beautiful black Camponotus with golden gaster.This ant is very well kept in a dry terrarium with observation nest.Under good lighting come the colors of these diurnalAnts look great.Diet with sugar - honey water and insects.This colony is only available once.
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Empty - Pas disponible en ce moment
Kolonie mit 50-100 Arbeiterinnen

Camponotus sp. "Sugarants"

Ajouté au: 02/10/19
No. article: casp0027

A great colored great Camponotus. It is even bigger than our native Camponotus ligniperdus. Very easy to keep: dry terrarium with observation nest, additional heat source. Diet: sugar - honey water, insectsA great colored great Camponotus. It is even bigger than our native Camponotus ligniperdus. Very easy to keep: dry terrarium with observation nest, additional heat source. Diet: sugar - honey water, insects

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error Camponotus sp. "Sugarants" ne peut être ajouté à votre panier.
Kleine Kolonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Mit 4-5 Arbeiterinnen

Iridomyrmex cf. purpureus

Ajouté au: 11/13/09
No. article: ircf0001

A beautiful colored and mainly in Southeastern Australia distributed ants species with beautiful green-purpur shimmer.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamilie Dolichoderinae
  • Distribution: Australia
  • Color: Queen: black, Workers: reddish-black
  • Size: Queen: 12 - 15 mm
  • Hibernation: No
  • Nutrition:  Honey/sugarwater, insects, spiders and other small animals and occasionally seeds
  • Temperature:  from cool through very hot 15 - 30°C
  • Climate: subtropical to tropical
  • Soil conditions: nothing special
  • Nest building: Soil nests with small mounds
  • Planting: not neccessary
  • Specifics: Abdomen especially from workers is shimmering green to purpur. Creates small mounds.


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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 20 - 30 ouvrières

Meranoplus sp.

Ajouté au: 04/03/09
No. article: mesp0003
  • Taxonomy: Subfymily Myrmicinae, Tribe Meranoplini
  • Distribution: South Asia
  • Appearance of the workers: black with yellow abdomen
  • Nest building: Soil nests (caldera), sunny
  • Nutrition: Honeywater, insects, grains
  • Hibernation: No
  • Temperature: Warm: 25 - 30 °C
  • Climate: tropical
  • Soil condition: sand, loam
  • Specifics: The ants moves very slowly, because they are trusting in their chemical defence. Meranoplus is a strange looking ant because of their furry hair.
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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 150 - 200 ouvrières

Myrmecia cf. desertorum

Ajouté au: 02/10/13
No. article: mycf0001

These animals follow you by their eyes.

  • Taxonomie: Subfamily Myrmiciinae, Tribe Myrmeciini
  • Distribution: West Australia
  • Color: red with black abdomen
  • Size: 24 - 26 mm
  • Nestbiulding: soil nest
  • Nutrition: insects and honeywater
  • Hibernation: No
  • Climate: Subtropical
  • Temperature: they like it hot, but tolerate also colder temperatures
  • Air Humidity: dry climate (deserts)
  • Soil Conditions: similar to the steppes
  • Planting: grasses and small plants
  • specifics: This specie is easy to keep.

Tip: May be you can get more information here

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Petite colony - 699,00 €
Avec 15-25 ouvries

Myrmecia cf. fulvipes

Ajouté au: 01/13/08
No. article: myfu0001

Smaller Myrmecia species with smaller colonies which is easy to keep and which is not very aggressive. Can be kept in smaller basins, and can be kept moister than Myrmecia pavida for instance. Similar to other Myrmecia species they have a very good sight.

  • Taxonomie: SubfamilyMyrmiciinae, Tribe Myrmeciini
  • Distribution: East Australia
  • Color: Mandible: redish-brown, Head: black, Thorax: black, Gaster: golden, Legs: reddish
  • Nestbiulding: soil nests, often under stones, often near forest
  • Nutrition: insects and honeywater
  • Climate: sub tropical
  • Hibernation: No
  • Air Humidity: dry forest climate
  • Soil Conditions: loamy, stoney
  • Planting: not necessary

Shipping to abroad is only possible on customers risk!

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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 10 ouvrieres

Myrmecia cf. mandibularis

Ajouté au: 09/06/08
No. article: myma0001

Noticeable colored Myrmecia species. Also jumps to capture their prey like other Jumper ants.

  • Taxonomie: SubfamilyMyrmiciinae, Tribe Myrmeciini
  • Distribution: West Australia
  • Color: black with reddish-golden abdomen
  • Nestbiulding: soil nests, often under stones, often near forest
  • Nutrition: insects and honeywater
  • Climate: sub tropical
  • Hibernation: No
  • Air Humidity: dry forest climate
  • Soil Conditions: loamy, stoney
  • Planting: not necessary

Shipping to abroad is only possible on customers risk!

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error Myrmecia cf. mandibularis ne peut être ajouté à votre panier.
Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 30-50 ouvrieres

Myrmecia cf. nigriceps

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: mysp0001
  • Taxonomie: SubfamilyMyrmiciinae, Tribe Myrmeciini
  • Distribution: West Australia, highlands (300 - 400 m)
  • Color: Mandible: yellow-brown, Head: black-brown, Thorax: dark red, Abdomen: black
  • Size: 25 - 27 mm
  • Nestbiulding: soil nest with mounds that are decorated with branchlets or pieces of grass stems. Will be usually found in eucalyptus tree forests, like half-shaded areas.
  • Nutrition: insects and honeywater
  • Hibernation: No
  • Temperature: Summer: day: 26 - 28 °C, night: 18 - 20 °C, Winter: day: 20 - 26 °C, night: 5 - 15 °C
  • Air Humidity: dry forest climate
  • Soil Conditions: stoney, sandy with foliage and branchlets
  • Planting: grasses and small plants
  • specifics: This specie is easy to keep, is more aggressive and is more shy than Myrmecia pavida for instance. These animals follow you by their eyes
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Colonie - 649,00 €
Avec sur 15-25 ouvrières.

Myrmecia cf. pavida

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: mypa0001

These animals follow you by their eyes.

  • Taxonomie: Subfamily Myrmiciinae, Tribe Myrmeciini
  • Distribution: West Australia
  • Color: red with black abdomen
  • Size: 24 - 26 mm
  • Nestbiulding: soil nest
  • Nutrition: insects and honeywater
  • Hibernation: No
  • Climate: Subtropical
  • Temperature: they like it hot, but tolerate also colder temperatures
  • Air Humidity: dry climate (deserts)
  • Soil Conditions: similar to the steppes
  • Planting: grasses and small plants
  • specifics: This specie is easy to keep.

Tip: May be you can get more information here

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Petite colonie - 649,00 €
Avec 5-10 ouvries

Myrmecia cf. pilosula "Jack jumper"

Ajouté au: 11/16/17
No. article: mycf0002

These animals follow you by their eyes.

  • Taxonomie: Subfamily Myrmiciinae, Tribe Myrmeciini
  • Distribution: West Australia
  • Color: black
  • Size: 10-12 mm
  • Nestbiulding: soil nest
  • Nutrition: insects and honeywater
  • Hibernation: No
  • Climate: Subtropical
  • Temperature: they like it hot, but tolerate also colder temperatures
  • Air Humidity: dry climate (deserts)
  • Soil Conditions: similar to the steppes
  • Planting: grasses and small plants
  • specifics: This specie is easy to keep.

Tip: May be you can get more information here

Shipping to abroad is only possible on customers risk!

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error Myrmecia cf. pilosula "Jack jumper" ne peut être ajouté à votre panier.
Petite colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Colonie avec 8-10 ouvrieres

Myrmecia pyriformis

Ajouté au: 11/07/19
No. article: mycf0003
  • Taxonomie: SubfamilyMyrmiciinae, Tribe Myrmeciini
  • Distribution: Eastern Australia (moderate climate)
  • Color: Mandible: red-brown, Head: black, Thorax: black, Abdomen: shinny lack
  • Size: 14 - 26 mm (polymorphic)
  • Nestbiulding: soil nest with mounds that are decorated with branchlets or pieces of grass stems. Will be usually found in eucalyptus tree forests, like half-shaded areas.
  • Nutrition: Sugar water, insects and other small animals
  • Hibernation: Yes (moderate)
  • Air Humidity: dry forest climate
  • Soil Conditions: stoney, sandy with foliage and branchlets
  • Planting: grasses and small plants
  • Specifics: This ant species has a pronounced vision. Like all Myrmecia species, it can also sting painfully.

Colonies were raised from a Queen! Shipping to abroad is only possible on customers risk!

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Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 15-30 ouvrières
Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 30-60 ouvrières

Myrmecia sp. tarsata

Ajouté au: 12/14/18
No. article: mysp0004
  • Taxonomie: Unterfamilie Myrmecine, Tribus Myrmeciini
  • Verbreitung: Ostaustralien (gemäßigtes Klima)
  • Farbe: schwarz
  • Größe: 14 - 26 mm (polymorph)
  • Nestbau: Legen Erdnester an, bauen Erdhügel die dekoriert sind mit Ästchen und Gräsern. Sind vorwiegend in Eukalyptuswäldern zu finden und lieben daher halbschattige Gebiete
  • Nahrung: Zuckerwasser, Insekten und andere Kleintiere
  • Winterruhe: Ja (gemäßigt)
  • Luftfeuchtigkeit: Trocken
  • Bodenbeschaffenheit: steinig, sandig mit Waldstreu (Laub, Ästchen)
  • Bepflanzung: Gräser oder kleine Büsche
  • Besonderheit: Diese Ameisenart verfügt über ein ausgeprägtes Sehvermögen. Ebenso kann sie alle Myrmecia-Arten schmerzhaft stechen.
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Empty - Pas disponible en ce momentLimites d'expédition: Expeditions uniquement en Allemagne.
Colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
with 30-40 workers

Oecophylla smaragdina "vert"

Ajouté au: 06/17/10
No. article: oesm0002

These specie lives in trees where they build their nests between leaves. This is the green variant from Australia. Larger colonies should be offered more than one tree. They waeve leaves at team work which will be used as homebase or louse-cultivation room. They never nests within soil, and they use their own brood (larvae) to weave.

  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Formicinae, Tribe Oecophyllini
  • Origin: Australia
  • Characteristics: minors and majors
  • Hibernation: No
  • Appearence of the queen: great, vigorous, often green, brown
  • Appearance of the workers: brown, slim with long extremities
  • Nest bulding: weaved nests between leaves of trees
  • Nutrition: honeywater, insects
  • Temperature: 22 - 28°C
  • Air humidity: 60 - 80 % (tropical rainforest)
  • Soil conditions: only necessary for planting, nesting between leaves
  • Planting: ficus
  • Level: Medium

Shipping to abroad is only possible on customers risk !

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Petite colonie - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 10 - 20 ouvrières

Rhytidoponera aspersa

Ajouté au: 03/14/22
No. article: rhas0001
  • Taxonomie: Unterfamilie Ponerinae, Tribus Ectatommini
  • Verbreitung: Australien
  • Größe: ca. 8 mm
  • Winterruhe: Nein
  • Nahrung:  Honig-/Zuckerwasser, Insekten
  • Klima:  subtropisch
  • Bodenbeschaffenheit: lehmig, steinig
  • Nestbau: Erdnester, häufig unter Steinen
  • Bepflanzung: Beliebig
  • Haltungsklasse: einfach

Hinweis: Versand im Winter nur innerhalb Deutschlands - Versand ins Ausland auf eigenes Risiko!!

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Colony - Pas disponible en ce moment
avec20-30 ouvrieres

Rhytidoponera metallica

Ajouté au: 11/02/06
No. article: rhme0001
  • Taxonomy: Subfamily Ponerinae, Tribe Ectatommini
  • Distribution: Central- to South America
  • Size: about 8 mm
  • Hibernation: No
  • Nutrition: Honey-/Sugar water and insects
  • Climate: subtropical
  • Soil condition: loamy, stoney
  • Nest building: Soil nests, under stones
  • Planting: Any
  • Keeping level: easy to keep

Attention: Only domestic shiiping in winter - Shipping abroad at your own risk!!


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Gyne - Pas disponible en ce moment
Avec 2-5 ouvrières